
The Indian debt market is a market meant for buying or selling fixed income instruments. Fixed income instruments could be securities issued by Central and State Governments, Municipal Corporations, Govt. Bodies or by Private Entities like Financial Institutions, Banks, Corporates, etc.

The corporate bond market broadly comprises of corporate sector raising debt through public issuance in capital market and also through private placement basis.

The money markets in India essentially consist of Call Money Market (i.e. market for overnight and term money between banks and institutions), Repo Transactions (temporary sale with an agreement to buy back the securities at a future date at specified price), Commercial Papers (CPs, short term unsecured promissory note, generally issued by corporates), Certificate of Deposits (CDs, issued by banks) and Treasury Bills (issued by RBI). The Debt market has become a predominantly institutional market where the key money market players are banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, mutual funds, primary dealers and corporates.

Fixed income instruments are offered to Institutional Investors like PSU/PVT entities, Trusts, Institutions, Retail Investors including HNIs / UHNIs, Provident funds, etc.